Souhaib Guitouni

This is my personal blog. Ideas are mine.

I am an engineering manager and software engineer, with a passion for all aspects of computer software, from data and AI to frontend, backend, and platform engineering. I love building ambitious goals and working with talented people to achieve them.

I like cats, cooking, gardening and golf. I dislike bigotry, cruelty and endives.

Check out my full resume.

Cover Image for 11 lessons learned managing a Data Platform team within a data mesh

Managing a data platform team in a data mesh involves balancing decentralized domain ownership with centralized support, fostering collaboration, leveraging automation, and continually refining processes. Balancing decentralized domain ownership with centralized support is key to managing a data platform team in a data mesh. The approach emphasizes strong collaboration, effective automation, and ongoing process refinement.

Souhaib Guitouni
Souhaib Guitouni

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Cover Image for User Action Service: from the Monolith to the Cloud

User Action Service: from the Monolith to the Cloud

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Souhaib Guitouni
Souhaib Guitouni